First update, from the US Army Marksmanship Unit Small Arms Firing School, day one, Lauren reports she shot 92, 1X on rapid-fire prone. I'm assuming 200yds and 10 shots, so that is a lot of 9's and 10's.
The Army supplies the real M16's and ammo for this 3-day school. No Select-fire allowed though - bummer!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Pete Rose
I want to save the commissioner a little trouble as he is trying to decide whether to re-instate Pete Rose from his lifetime ban from Major League Basebell for gambling. I know you are going to call me for some input, Mr. Commissioner, so here it is.
H--- NO! He knew what would happen if he gambled and he did it anyway. He needs to be kept out forever. There is no forseeable reason why he should be re-instated. You shouldn't have even let him near the All-Star game yesterday.
H--- NO! He knew what would happen if he gambled and he did it anyway. He needs to be kept out forever. There is no forseeable reason why he should be re-instated. You shouldn't have even let him near the All-Star game yesterday.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Camp Perry here she comes!
The ammo is all loaded (550 rounds). The shooting chair/cart is built. All the gear is purchased or borrowed (except a mount for the spotting scope - I still can't find what is needed. Perhaps one can be found at Perry). Range lunch items have been purchased. Money for gas and food has been set aside. Clothes have been washed and packing will commence tomorrow. Sometime in the afternoon/early evening she will be dropped off for the trip to Camp Perry.
I wish I could be there for it all! Dad and I are going down for a day to watch her this week, but other commitments are keeping me here at home.
Shoot Straight, Lauren!!!
I wish I could be there for it all! Dad and I are going down for a day to watch her this week, but other commitments are keeping me here at home.
Shoot Straight, Lauren!!!
It's the All-Star Break, and the Tigers are stinking up the Central Division
There is a big debate going on right now as the Tigers stagger into the All-Star break with a .500 record, and sitting 8 games behind the division-leading Royals. And 3-1/2 games out of a wild-card spot.
After watching this team bumble and stumble and give away games all season long (witness the wasting of a 7-1 lead late against the Twins this week as the latest example) I'm firmly in the camp of those who want to sell off assets to gain some payroll flexibility for next year, as well as some good, young talent. The other side says "go out and get a quality starter and a quality reliever and things will be all right". I don't think so. There is more wrong with this team than a couple of pitchers.
Untouchables in this sell-off: Miguel Cabrera, Victor Martinez, JD Martinez, James McCann, Jose Iglesias. Everyone else is fair game, even Justin Verlander. Never thought I would say that about Verlander.
What should they get back? Pitching first and foremost. Good, strike-throwing, consistent pitching, not older than 25. Left-handed if possible. A closer candidate if possible. Also a speedy corner outfielder with some pop that can hit .280 or so. They have that last one with Cespedes, but he is a free agent, and there isn't much there on the farm to give the job to.
They also need to start thinking about replacing V-Mart and Cabrera, as they are both at the point where their bodies are starting to fail them. Cabrera can move to DH eventually, but that 4-year contract Victor got is going to be a problem in years 3 and 4, probably, when his knees finally give out completely. It will be sad to watch a scintillating hitter fall apart physically like that.
When the year is over (or maybe before if they really go in the tank) they need to find a new manager. Mr. Calm has not instilled the toughness in these guys that it takes to win it all. I have no doubt he's a smart guy, and he may eventually be a terrific manager, but right now he seems more concerned with helping everyone feel good than he is getting after them for screwing up so much and giving so many games away. It was good they sent Joba Chamberlain packing, it sent the message that if you can't get guys out, you're going to be gone. Now maybe guys like Rondon and Soria will get the message.
The Tigers are soft mentally, and they can't pitch very well. That's why they won't win anything this year.
After watching this team bumble and stumble and give away games all season long (witness the wasting of a 7-1 lead late against the Twins this week as the latest example) I'm firmly in the camp of those who want to sell off assets to gain some payroll flexibility for next year, as well as some good, young talent. The other side says "go out and get a quality starter and a quality reliever and things will be all right". I don't think so. There is more wrong with this team than a couple of pitchers.
Untouchables in this sell-off: Miguel Cabrera, Victor Martinez, JD Martinez, James McCann, Jose Iglesias. Everyone else is fair game, even Justin Verlander. Never thought I would say that about Verlander.
What should they get back? Pitching first and foremost. Good, strike-throwing, consistent pitching, not older than 25. Left-handed if possible. A closer candidate if possible. Also a speedy corner outfielder with some pop that can hit .280 or so. They have that last one with Cespedes, but he is a free agent, and there isn't much there on the farm to give the job to.
They also need to start thinking about replacing V-Mart and Cabrera, as they are both at the point where their bodies are starting to fail them. Cabrera can move to DH eventually, but that 4-year contract Victor got is going to be a problem in years 3 and 4, probably, when his knees finally give out completely. It will be sad to watch a scintillating hitter fall apart physically like that.
When the year is over (or maybe before if they really go in the tank) they need to find a new manager. Mr. Calm has not instilled the toughness in these guys that it takes to win it all. I have no doubt he's a smart guy, and he may eventually be a terrific manager, but right now he seems more concerned with helping everyone feel good than he is getting after them for screwing up so much and giving so many games away. It was good they sent Joba Chamberlain packing, it sent the message that if you can't get guys out, you're going to be gone. Now maybe guys like Rondon and Soria will get the message.
The Tigers are soft mentally, and they can't pitch very well. That's why they won't win anything this year.
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Headlight lens restoration
OK, I admit it. This is a little outside my normal realm of comment, but this really worked well for me so I thought I would share.
I have a beater minivan, a 2000 Grand Caravan. It looks like crap, but it starts up and runs every time, so we keep driving it. But its headlight lenses were really bad, to the point of having visible pitting. And of course, lots of yellowing also. To the point where it was making my wife nervous to drive it at night. I have to admit, I was squinting a lot more to see at night too, so I decided to do this.
I already had much of what was needed, but the sandpaper I picked up at Walmart for about $3.50 a package for each of the 3 grits, and it took one sheet of each total to do both headlights. I think the clear paint was about $3.50 also, at the local "big box". Walmart didn't have what was recommended, or I would have gotten it there along with the sandpaper.
After completing the process as described in the video, my headlights are clear and bright, and they are back to being useful at night for seeing things in front of you, instead of just being seen by others. I highly recommend it if you have this problem on your vehicle.
Now this guy's voice is kind of annoying, but he paces well and gets through the whole thing pretty quickly and thoroughly, so just hang in there:
I have a beater minivan, a 2000 Grand Caravan. It looks like crap, but it starts up and runs every time, so we keep driving it. But its headlight lenses were really bad, to the point of having visible pitting. And of course, lots of yellowing also. To the point where it was making my wife nervous to drive it at night. I have to admit, I was squinting a lot more to see at night too, so I decided to do this.
I already had much of what was needed, but the sandpaper I picked up at Walmart for about $3.50 a package for each of the 3 grits, and it took one sheet of each total to do both headlights. I think the clear paint was about $3.50 also, at the local "big box". Walmart didn't have what was recommended, or I would have gotten it there along with the sandpaper.
After completing the process as described in the video, my headlights are clear and bright, and they are back to being useful at night for seeing things in front of you, instead of just being seen by others. I highly recommend it if you have this problem on your vehicle.
Now this guy's voice is kind of annoying, but he paces well and gets through the whole thing pretty quickly and thoroughly, so just hang in there:
Supreme Court Gay "Marriage" responses: "Ignore the Ruling"
While I am as disappointed with the recent US Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges about gay "marriage" as anyone else, I am also leery of those (including one congresscritter) who are planning to ignore the law or advising others to do so.
This would seem an unwise course. Consider the Heller and MacDonald decisions from this court over the last few years, which found that the 2nd Amendment is indeed an individual right, and therefore individuals have the right to own firearms. Those who say "ignore the law" are creating precedent that would allow governments at any level to ignore these two decisions simply because they didn't like them or thought they were immoral.
Do you think the politicos in Chicago wouldn't love to find some way to ignore those cases? D.C.? N.Y.? You bet they would. And this would hand it to them.
This is just one of many possible issues this could apply to. So let's not shoot ourselves in the foot over this one, OK? Let's think this all the way through.
This would seem an unwise course. Consider the Heller and MacDonald decisions from this court over the last few years, which found that the 2nd Amendment is indeed an individual right, and therefore individuals have the right to own firearms. Those who say "ignore the law" are creating precedent that would allow governments at any level to ignore these two decisions simply because they didn't like them or thought they were immoral.
Do you think the politicos in Chicago wouldn't love to find some way to ignore those cases? D.C.? N.Y.? You bet they would. And this would hand it to them.
This is just one of many possible issues this could apply to. So let's not shoot ourselves in the foot over this one, OK? Let's think this all the way through.
Saturday, July 04, 2015
Sopwith Camel Restoration
I thought this was pretty interesting. From The Detroit News
![Image result for snoopy sopwith camel]()
"It was the space shuttle of its time," Kozura says.And no, it doesn't look like this:
Together, these authentic parts are being assembled in a suburban garage and basement in west Michigan into what Kozura says will be the finest airworthy Sopwith Camel reproduction in the United States.
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
It was a 600 yard day
Much scurrying around trying to get preparations complete to send Lauren to the National Matches this month. I learned from my friend Aaron over at The Shekel that the Washtenaw Sportsmans Club in Ypsilanti was having a 300/600yd. practice session today which was open to the public, so we made the drive.
First, let me give a big THANK YOU to the Club and the members I met there today for taking us in, waiving the 600-yard qualifier (Lauren has shot several shorter matches, and knows the ropes) and letting her shoot for free. This kind of support for Junior shooters is very much appreciated, and really helps to keep the shooting sports from fading away in the late, great U.S.A. One of the guys even let Lauren borrow his cart so she didn't have to carry all her gear back to the firing line. Everyone there was just as nice as could be, and glad to see a Junior there and doing well.
Second, if you are in the area and looking for a club for shooting sports, give them some consideration. The facility looks to be first rate for many different shooting disciplines as well as archery.
Third, Lauren was kicking some serious backside today. We got there too late to shoot at 300, so all we could do was 600, which was just fine with me, as there are so few 600 yard ranges available. Winds were fairly light with some gusts, moving left to right, the temperatures were comfortable in the mid 70's, and the sky was mostly cloudy so there wasn't a lot of glare to deal with either. The range has military-style pits, so the targets were being spotted and scored there so we could see them back at the line (this wasn't a match so scores weren't being kept, but your hits were scored on the target for you to record if you liked). She got lots of help from an experienced shooter, and he seemed pretty impressed with her shooting. Her windage was really good, and once she got her come-ups figured out (the main reason for going today) she was knocking out 9's and 10's and a couple of X's with great regularity.
A shift in the pits capped our time there, and once again everyone was as nice as could be. So thanks and a big thumbs up for Washtenaw Sportsmans Club! We enjoyed our time there today!
First, let me give a big THANK YOU to the Club and the members I met there today for taking us in, waiving the 600-yard qualifier (Lauren has shot several shorter matches, and knows the ropes) and letting her shoot for free. This kind of support for Junior shooters is very much appreciated, and really helps to keep the shooting sports from fading away in the late, great U.S.A. One of the guys even let Lauren borrow his cart so she didn't have to carry all her gear back to the firing line. Everyone there was just as nice as could be, and glad to see a Junior there and doing well.
Second, if you are in the area and looking for a club for shooting sports, give them some consideration. The facility looks to be first rate for many different shooting disciplines as well as archery.
Third, Lauren was kicking some serious backside today. We got there too late to shoot at 300, so all we could do was 600, which was just fine with me, as there are so few 600 yard ranges available. Winds were fairly light with some gusts, moving left to right, the temperatures were comfortable in the mid 70's, and the sky was mostly cloudy so there wasn't a lot of glare to deal with either. The range has military-style pits, so the targets were being spotted and scored there so we could see them back at the line (this wasn't a match so scores weren't being kept, but your hits were scored on the target for you to record if you liked). She got lots of help from an experienced shooter, and he seemed pretty impressed with her shooting. Her windage was really good, and once she got her come-ups figured out (the main reason for going today) she was knocking out 9's and 10's and a couple of X's with great regularity.
A shift in the pits capped our time there, and once again everyone was as nice as could be. So thanks and a big thumbs up for Washtenaw Sportsmans Club! We enjoyed our time there today!
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