Friday, January 28, 2011

"Romney tops state GOP poll on presidential hopefuls"

This is the headline from The Detroit News today.

From the article:  "Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, was the first choice of 28 percent, followed by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 15 percent."  Romney?  And Huckabee?  Are you kidding me? 

This is why Michigan Republicans drive me crazy - they keep on voting for losers who have no clue.  Romney, who created and passed through the Massachusetts legislature the model legislation on which Obamacare is based?  Really?  He's a guy to bring fiscal sanity to the US?  And Huckabee, who never met a legislative solution to a problem that could better be solved in the private sector that he didn't like?  And who releases murderers so they can go out and murder again?  He's the smaller government guy you like?  Hope you're prepared to lose again, folks.

Yes, it's early.  No, there isn't much to choose from right now.  But nearly a third of you Republicans think Romney is a better choice than a bag of hockey pucks?  And 45% of you would vote for either one of these two over said bagged rubber?

I sure am glad I'm not a Republican any more.  I would be embarrassed.

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